to 11:00AM

Is Aristotle on Twitter?

Type Panelinteractive panel
Venue: Austin Convention Ctr (Room 16AB)
About: We introduce a framework for understanding information overload by reflecting on and updating ancient communicative traditions. Aristotle was an information maven and Cicero a communication connoisseur. These classical communicators designed their speeches around five principles: invention, style, arrangement, memory, and delivery. Contemporary communicators build on this tradition with Web-based technologies.

Speaker Info: Jillian Sayre (University of Texas at Austin), Jim Brown (University of Texas at Austin), John Jones (University of Texas at Austin), Trish Roberts-Miller (Assoc Professor, University of Texas at Austin), William Burdette (Asst Instructor, University of Texas at Austin)
URL http://sxsw.com/interactive/talks/panels/?action=show&id=IAP0900159
Tags interactive panel




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